Chamber & Appointment
Labaid Diagnostic, GulshanAddress: House # 13/A, Road # 35, Gulshan 2, DhakaVisiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hourAppointment: +8801766662525Call Now
About Prof. Dr. Md. Julhash Uddin
Prof. Dr. Md. Julhash Uddin is a Medicine Specialist in Dhaka. His qualification is MBBS, FCPS (Med), FCCP, FRCP (Glasgo). He is working as a Medicine Specialist doctor in Ashiyan Medical College & Hospital. He regularly provides treatment to his patients at Labaid Diagnostic, Gulshan. Practicing hour of Prof. Dr. Md. Julhash Uddin at Labaid Diagnostic, Gulshan is Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour.